Qua đánh giá của cơ quan chuyên môn, cán bộ kỹ thuật và chủ hộ, mô hình “Nuôi tôm thẻ chân trắng thâm canh đạt tiêu chuẩn VietGAP” có ưu điểm là nuôi mật độ cao, quản lý tốt mầm bệnh, thức ăn, hạn chế ô nhiễm môi trường do tái sử dụng nước, tôm lớn nhanh, lợi nhuận cao. Đồng thời trong quá trình nuôi chỉ sử dụng vi sinh để phân hủy chất hữu cơ, ổn định môi trường ao nuôi, không sử dụng kháng sinh cấm trong nuôi trồng thủy sản, tạo sản phẩm sạch đạt tiêu chuẩn xuất khẩu.
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Cookbooks. The World Almanac. Scientific reports. These informative nonfiction texts are all examples of expository writing. Expository (or informative) writing explores, shares, explains, or defines a specific subject or idea. This type of writing does not include the writer’s opinion or tell a story; its goal is not to persuade, and the writer’s voice should be neutral. There are various types of expository writing. However, a classification paragraph is a powerful tool to get students to grasp the structure of the genre. In this activity, have your students practice expository writing by writing a classification paragraph. This type paragraph has three parts: Cookbooks. The World Almanac. Scientific reports. These informative nonfiction texts are all examples of expository writing. Expository (or informative) writing explores, shares, explains, or defines a specific subject or idea. This type of writing does not include the writer’s opinion or tell a story; its goal is not to persuade, and the writer’s voice should be neutral.
The introduction of a reflective essay contains an overall focus of the paper. For example, the student should provide background information about the topic by considering how to write a reflective essay. In this case, one must include the information that helps readers to understand the subject. Besides, useful introductions should contain the main argument. In turn, the last sentence of the presentation should be a thesis statement. Also, the student should state the leading position taken. Therefore, a reflective essay must have an introduction that gives sufficient background information and scope. This reflective essay has comprehensively documented my reflection of the existing works of theories pertaining human personality. It took into consideration my personality based on my experiences hence my developed personality and also the personal differences of other people and myself. The essay starts with theories aimed at personality development. The Factor-analysis theories focus on studying an individuals behaviour when subjected to a particular situation, rather than the classical approaches which aimed at changing an individuals behaviour. I found out that personality development is mostly related to heredity while environmental factors only shape a persons character.
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